How it all began

The Hope Anchors project is designed to provide people with a tangible reminder of the hope and support of their friends and family during a difficult time.

The project is result of our founder who received a bracelet that said “Hope” when her mother had a stroke in 2014 She wore the bracelet for two years solid – sleep, showers, always. For her, it was a perfect reminder of her support system and represented so much Hope for her mother’s recovery. Because the bracelet meant so much to her, she passed it on to a friend who was supporting her boyfriend through his colon cancer journey. She received comfort from receiving the bracelet and joy in sharing it with a friend and knew there was a need for a tangible reminder of support during difficult times. As part of her own healing, she had been working with glass and was inspired to create a glass anchor necklace. With that, the Hope Anchors Project was born. 

Each necklace is identified with a unique number and labeled with the Hope Anchors website address. Recipients are encouraged to register their anchor and share their stories. Then, when the challenging time has passed, share the Hope Anchor with someone else in need of love and support. As the Hope Anchor project evolves, we will be able to provide a living history of each Hope Anchor and document the vast network of Hope that surrounds us. The Hope Anchor project represents a dream of a tangible symbol of support for people through their own journeys.

It is our hope you (or a loved one) will find comfort in wearing a Hope Anchor and joy in sharing one!


Crafted from the heart

Each necklace has been hand-created by founder Teena Tabor in Phoenix, AZ.
