Providing people with a tangible reminder of the hope and support of friends and family during a difficult time.

The project is the result of our founder who received a bracelet that said “Hope” when her mother had a stroke in 2014. For her, it was a perfect reminder of her support system and represented so much Hope for her mother’s recovery. Because the bracelet meant so much to her, she passed it on to a friend as a tangible reminder of support during difficult times.

With that, the Hope Anchors Project was born.



Hope Anchor recipients are encouraged to use their anchor as support in a time of need. Then, when the challenging time has passed, send it to someone else in need of love and support. We encourage you to share your story by registering your anchor using its unique number on the back. 



 Do you know someone who may be going through a difficult time and would benefit from a token of support? Hope Anchors necklaces are now available for purchase in four different colors. Each necklace is hand-crafted from the heart in Phoenix, AZ and can be shipped anywhere in the U.S.



As the Hope Anchor project continues to evolve, we will be able to provide a living history of each Hope Anchor and document the vast network of Hope that surrounds us. The Hope Anchor project represents a dream of a tangible symbol of support for people through their own journeys.